Calling mission-driven individuals, social entrepreneurs, executives, and leaders…
Let’s Harness the 4 Forces to Transcend Hidden Limitations, Raise Consciousness, and Go Beyond Self-Actualization to Become a Force for Good in the World
With Less Self-Sabotage, Resistance, and Wasted Time...
In the Synergy Challenge inner-and-outer work come together in a powerful transformational cocktail designed to help you experience the shift you need through daily lessons and actions to create the most exciting season of your life now.
We’ll use science-backed methods to raise awareness, leverage altered states and more to help you become your best self that can help others.
Join Us For The Synergy Challenge Now

Some of What You Get With Synergy:
- Full 2-Week Synergy Challenge with daily lessons and a digital guidebook for the exercises you can access on all devices. (Value $997)
- Lifetime Access to Bonus Bundle: (Value $1,997)
Integral Influence, Conscious Wealth Creation, Self-Mastery Challenge, Step Into Your Purpose, and more…
- Everything you need to master the 4 Forces and harness them to reach the next level in your personal development.
And if you join me for the VIP coaching path:
- 3 months of 1:1 Coaching with Colton. (Value $8997)
See a full list of what you get and options to save further down this page.
Wondering if this challenge is for you? Keep reading to learn what forces stop even conventionally successful people from actualizing their full potential and going beyond self-actualization to impact others.
For mission-driven humans, aspiring leaders with gifts to give, and high performers with great ideas and the heart to execute them…
Do You Have Ambitious Goals But Feel Like You Are Not Yet The Version of You Who Can Best Achieve Them?
If you’re still reading, I applaud your courage.
And you should know, you’re not alone.
Most people know what they really want deep down...
And what goal would be the most worth it for them and their life.
Even if they can't verbalize it yet, they know the feeling of it.
Even conventionally successful people, who have perfect lives on paper, still long for more fulfillment and satisfaction, and dream of the gifts they still have to give, what they can do for others, and what they are truly capable of achieving.
And they, like most people, delay that ambitious goal for one reason or another and craft yet another justification.
But the real reason they haven’t achieved it yet is that…
They aren’t the version of themselves who can achieve it yet.
So, if you have an ambitious goal that you need to grow into...
Do you know who the best version of you for achieving it is going to be?
And more importantly, do you know how can you become them?
Because the truth is…
Who You Are, and The Impact You Make in the World, Are a Direct Result of These 4 Forces and How You Use Them (Or Not)
Surprisingly, your best self and ideal level of impact don’t materialize based on how good you are at what you do, or even how well-intentioned you are.
Instead, it's whether you harness these 4 forces for yourself, or not.
These are the same forces that made you into the version of you that you are now—and gave you the life you have now.
And they can be harnessed to create the next version of you that your ambitious goals, and those that you seek to help, will need.
Think of these 4 forces as the codes to create the life you want to have, by becoming the person you can be.
And in this challenge, I'll take you deeper on mastering each of these 4 forces to create the change you want from the inside out.
The 4 Forces That Limit Your Self
Can Be Harnessed to Actualize Potential
But they are just that, forces.
They direct your life, and experience of it, but they’re neither good nor bad.
In my workshop, UNEARTH, I shared these 4 forces and ways to start using them to become your best self.
And begin preventing problems that you get when you’re unaware of these forces and the influence they have over your state of consciousness and quality of life.
In this Synergy Challenge, I am guiding you daily for 2 weeks to help you apply them systematically to close the gap between who you are now, and your best self.
Here's a glimpse of what we get into over the 4 parts of this program.

Force #1:
The first force is Shadow, and we start here because the awareness gained here benefits the rest of the challenge.
If unharnessed, Shadow can:
- Create subconscious resistance and lead to self-sabotage.
- Disconnect you from your intuition and inner wisdom.
- Separate you from the strengths and qualities you need to achieve your full potential.
When you harness this force for yourself you can:
- Create a mental environment that can sustain success, peace, and well-being simultaneously.
- Access forgotten or denied strengths and integrate them.
- Connect you with your Daimon and unleash your inner-genius.
Integrating Shadows raises consciousness and can shift you from unaware to aware.
Force #2:
The second force is Social Dynamics because once you know yourself the next barrier will be the one between yourself and others.
If unharnessed, Social Dynamics can:
- Create stress limiting your health and potential.
- Keep you stuck in hyper-aroused states, unable to release and connect.
- Caught up in other’s agendas, disempowering dynamics and wasting time.
- Keep you irrelevant and unable to connect with those you can help.
When you harness this force for yourself you can:
- Discharge stress daily, and regain your body as an ally.
- Leverage boundaries to keep your happiness in.
- Drama-proof your life and transform the roles you find yourself in.
- Find your path to self-transcendence and create Synergy between yourself and others.
The better you Understand Social Dynamics the better you can understand yourself through others and shift from the Victim to the Creator of circumstance.

Force #3:
The third force is Story, because once you are out there what matters next is what you say and the impact that has on yourself and others.
If unharnessed, Story can:
- Create and perpetuate a limiting self-identity and limiting beliefs.
- Result in a lack of clarity, or vision or destiny in life.
- Drain experiences of meaning and satisfaction.
- Turn you into a backseat passenger to your life.
When you harness this force for yourself you can:
- Create self-fulfilling prophesies and direct your subconscious and unconscious minds toward a singular goal.
- Cast a vivid vision that carries you beyond yourself and rallies others around your common cause and values.
- Re-author the 5 most important areas of your life to remove resistance and create near-effortless self-realization.
When you harness Story for yourself you can shift from being just the Actor in your Story to the Director of it.
Force #4:
The final fourth force is State, which is the key to showing up at the right level of consciousness for what you need to do and accessing access altered states, heightened creativity, and your full potential.
If unharnessed, State can:
- Keep you locked in low levels of consciousness like shame or fear.
- Limit your perception to the scarcity band that rejects abundance and opportunity.
- Lower your energy levels and bring the people around you down.
When you harness this force for yourself you can:
- Generate sustained states of peaceful peak performance.
- Access altered states and flow states on demand.
- Raise your baseline level of consciousness without sacrificing your productivity or creative output.
When you harness State for yourself you can shift from Single-Channel Antenna to Multi-Dimensional Switch-Box.

These forces are fundamental to your very perception of reality and experience of it.
And based on how they’re coming together for you, or not, is what Synergy is.
Synergy is the fifth force.
Every day, in every way, are you becoming more of who you can be… or not?
Are things coming together, or apart?
If you’re not 100% sure who the best version of yourself is…
Or who you are most capable of helping, and how…
Or if you do, but you want a proven way to get there and support every step of the way of becoming that version of yourself—join us for the Synergy Challenge.
It’s only 2-weeks, and by the end of it you will have these 4 forces working for you, instead of against you.
And the tools you need to close the gap between who you are and who you can be from the inside-out.
Ready to get started?
Introducing: The Synergy Challenge
A 2-Week Challenge with Daily Training, Exercises and Community Support Designed to Help You Raise Awareness and Consciousness, Forge Powerful Identity, and Show Up As Your Best Self Now

Synergy is a science-backed 2-week challenge for entrepreneurs, coaches, executives, and mission-driven humans with gifts to give, and who are committed to becoming the version of themselves who can give them.
This challenge leverages the diverse fields of altered states, depth psychology, meditation, and narrative therapy (to name a few) into a seamless and transformational cocktail for transcending limitations and becoming the best version of yourself for your life now.
It's a very diverse curriculum, but it's all aligned by a single aim...
Helping you become a master of both your inner world and outer worlds, so you can go beyond your limitations and be a Force for Good for others.
But another way to describe this challenge is a work of love from me to every person who is on the edge of extraordinary and wants help getting across the line.
You see…
Just Because You Have World-Changing Potential, Doesn’t Mean You Will Actualize It
It’s harsh but true.
Just because there are dents in the universe that you are in the position to make…
That doesn’t mean you're going to make them.
Realizing this for myself was one of the hardest lessons of my life, but without it would be content with playing a smaller game than I'm capable of.
For some, self-sabotage keeps them from activating their potential.
For others, a negative inner-critic, imposter syndrome, or simply feeling not good enough…
Everyone has a place within them ready for growth now.
And the good news is, focusing on those places is the fastest way for you to achieve your goals and become your best self.
Instead, Harness The Secret of the World’s Happiest and Most Effective People
When Maslow studied the world’s happiest and most successful people they were not what he expected.
They weren’t saints, monks, or enlightened.
Instead, they were a Synergistic blend of contradictions.
They could be at peace AND perform at a high level.
They could be focused on the future AND be happy in the present.
And most interestingly, they were “selfishly unselfish.”
They were able to make a more positive impact and help others because they were deeply focused on their own self-improvement and what was good for them—first.
This is unlike most other conventionally successful people who often get there by learning how to delay their own needs, deny their instincts and put their performance over their wellbeing…
Who then wake up one day wondering what happened and why they stopped short…
Instead, let’s take 2-weeks to go deep and do the inner-work together to help create Synergy like the world’s happiest and most effective people.
Accomplishing what you are truly capable of, but also doing it from a higher state, a more empowered place, and in a way that’s going to be more sustainable for you.
And you don’t have to do it alone…

About Your Guide, Colton Swabb:
My name is Colton Swabb and I’m an entrepreneur, executive advisor and the creator of The Synergy Challenge.
I have over a decade of experience in leading diverse growth-orientated teams. In that time, I held a Senior Marketing Position at Mindvalley, culminating in launching the founder’s book to the status of New York Times Bestseller. I launched more bestselling books, most notably Stealing Fire, by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal. I held workshops in Malaysia, Australia, and The United States. I lectured seasonally on Innovative Media Strategies for Central Saint Martins in The United Kingdom.
Now, I am on a mission to share what I’ve learned and help those with gifts to give align within, raise their level of consciousness, and become forces for good in the world.
Colton's work has been seen on:

Colton lecturing MBA leaders and Hybrid-Creatives at the London School of Arts, in the Louis Vuitton room of Central Saint Martin's—King's Cross.

Colton being very 'productive' with the legendary Writing Team at Mindvalley, where he was a Senior Growth Marketer.

Colton leading one of his international workshops in Malaysia, Australia, and the USA.
There Are 2 Ways to Take The Synergy Challenge
Way 1
Start the 2-Week Synergy Challenge
Daily Training, Frequent Exercises & Micro-Coaching
This includes the full 2-week guided program paired with daily training, exercises, and additional resources. You’ll get instant access to the full challenge when you join today.

Way 2
Get the Challenge FREE with
3-Months of Synergy Coaching
Focused and Evolving 1:1 Coaching
If you really want to challenge yourself, there is no replacement for coaching and accountability. Which is why you can get this challenge free when you sign up for 3-months of coaching with me.
In this coaching, we’ll meet weekly and I’ll help you go a third level deeper on each of the forces, help you create clarity on how you can use them, and hold you accountable to improving the most important aspects of your life from the inside out.

12 Results You Can Expect From Synergy:
1 - Confront & Integrate Shadows
We start by bringing ‘Shadow Work’ into the light, to help you raise self-awareness about what you really want, and what parts of you you’re going to need to get it.
2 - Create Clarity of Mind & Cast a Wide Vision
Make everything easier by getting extremely clear in your answer to the question, “What do you really want?” And cast a vision wide and far that can rally your lasting motivation and others to your common cause.
3 - Forge a Powerful Identity
Turn your ego into a tool that stabilizes the self and optimizes for high performance and high peace.
4 - Raise Your Baseline Level of Consciousness
Release anchors in fear, shame, or anger and raise your baseline—experiencing higher and longer-lasting highs, with shallower and shorter lows.
5 - Align What You Do With Who You Are
Stop holding back in your daily life, and align what you do with who you are, so doing what you feel most called to do is as effortless and an expression of who you are, achieving your potential through state of being, instead of state of doing.
6 - Drama-Proof Your Life
The unspoken truth about 100x your positive impact is you’re going to 100x your life-drama unless you know how to prevent it. And even better, evolve the roles you find yourself in to empower all parties involved.
7 - Succeed on Your Terms
Whether it’s taking the reigns and aligning what you do now with what you feel called to do, or boldly starting a new venture—stop trying to model others who aren’t like you and resolve to succeed on your terms.
8 - Unlock Peaceful High-Performance
Access flow and persistent states, and learn how to protect them, to exponentially increase your output while preventing the possibility of burnout.
9 - Access Enhanced Intuition
Learn hidden wisdom for accessing the subconscious, as well as the archetypes that reside in the collective unconscious, for accessing greater creativity, energy, and ways of knowing.
10 - Build a More Energetically Efficient Brain & Body
Learn how your body and brain influence your state, and systemize the best of positive psychology and ancient wisdom to release trauma and buried emotions, and entrain more empowering patterns in your body-mind.
11 - Create or Deepen an Existing Meditation Practice
Experience gnosis with diverse methods and learn a way to identify what methods work best for you at this time in your life.
12 - Be The Force for Good You Can Be
Harness the 4 psychospiritual forces and focus them to a point to actualize potential, raise individual and collective consciousness, and become a version of yourself who is a Force for Good.
In short?
In Synergy, learn how to create a situation, where what is good for you is good for other people.
It's self-transcendence in action.
And while it can be challenging, it can be a lot of fun and a great process of self-discovery.
If you're in a reflective season, let's go deep and spend 2-weeks unpacking these 4 forces and leveraging them to build a better world, by becoming better versions of ourselves.
Join the Synergy Challenge NowWhat Others Say About Your Guide:

“I got results working with Colton almost immediately. After just the first 2 calls I have experienced an unfolding ripple effect of change and empowerment throughout all areas of my life.
For me, it was the collapse of timelines that changed me completely. My 10-15 year goal became a 1-2 year goal. You are amazing. I’m so happy you’re reaching more people through your courses.”
Lindsay Briner,
MA, PhDc, Executive Advisor

"The results of the process that Colton patiently - and always enjoyably - took us through have been nothing short of enlightening and deeply rewarding.
Working with Colton will show what you have to offer in a new light, both to yourselves and to the world, in a way that your key audiences will find hard to resist."
Tuukka Toivonen, PhD (Oxford), Director, MA Innovation Management, Central Saint Martins, UAL

“Colton recently gave me what I can only describe as the best, most nuanced and precise advice I’ve ever been given. It was exactly the shift I needed to make.
I’ve been in the trenches with this guy in situations that are so crazy you’d think we were making them up, so can absolutely vouch that if you get a chance to work directly with Colton while he has the capacity, it might just be the best investment you’ll ever make. It certainly was for me.”
Gavin Abeyratne
Former Business Partner
The Synergy Challenge Daily Curriculum
The Synergy curriculum spans 2-weeks. 3 days are dedicated to each Force, in this order.

Part I: Unseen — Shadow Advanced
- Day 1 - Confronting the Shadow
- Day 2 - Dancing with the Daimon
- Day 3 - Pull Your Whole Self Together

Part II: Unfelt — Social Advanced
- Day 4 - Beyond Self-Awareness
- Day 5 - Listening to Inner-Primates
- Day 6 - Drama Proofing Your World

Part III: Untold — Stories Advanced
- Day 7 - Tell a New Story
- Day 8 - Identity Design & Moments of Impact
- Day 9 - Your Ideal Day Design

Part IV: Unbounded — States Advanced
- Day 10 - Ascending Levels of Consciousness
- Day 11 - Hacking Flow & Peak States
- Day 12 - Advanced Meditation & Persistent States
When you join the Synergy Challenge today you'll get instant access to the full curriculum—because the guide is your instinct.
So, go where excites you and then I'll guide you daily in the exercises to apply what you learn.
Ready to Join Us?
Join Synergy Here NowI Need Your Help
The curriculum that makes up Synergy comes from my coaching over the last two years, which were a mix of brave souls and friends of mine.
- Prepared for and got their dream job, while creating a business that made it irrelevant…
- Learned how to recognize their level of consciousness and that of their team, and organization to create company-wide change…
- Gained the clarity of thinking and courage to step in front of their brand and multiply their business growth...
In all cases, creating Synergy by doing the inner-work they need to create what they want.
From those sessions, this challenge was made.
Now I’m taking this challenge to a broader audience, who has no idea who I am, and asking for your help with improving it.
Art Scholarship:
Are you a video editor, designer, artist, or content creator?
I am offering an art scholarship for Synergy course version. The terms? Simple. Take the challenge, and make art about your experience in your medium.
If you’d like to request an art scholarship you can do that here: [email protected]
2 Ways You Can Join Us Today
There are two ways you can join me for the Synergy Challenge.
The first is by signing up today for the self-paced challenge—where you’ll get instant access to the whole program and 2-weeks of daily exercises to help you apply what you learn.
This challenge is normally $597, but today you can join us for just $288.
The second is by getting the challenge FREE when you sign up for 3-months of coaching with me. Normally this coaching costs $9,000 ($3k a month).
But today you can sign up for 3 months of 1:1 bi-weekly coaching with men for just $1,988...
And kick it off with the Synergy Challenge for free.
And then we’ll spend the remaining 2.5 months working closely on your growth and goals.
Whichever level you decide to join at…

You’re Backed By My 1-Week Unconditional Guarantee
You don’t have to say yes today, instead, you can just say maybe and get started with the challenge right away.
Plus even have a coaching session, before deciding if this is right for you.
I feel like that’s more than fair and if you feel like this isn’t right for you during those first 2 week you can have your money back, no questions asked.
So, are you ready to get started?
Align Inner & Outer Worlds So You Can Raise Consciousness, Transcend Limitations and Help Others
Join The Synergy Challenge Now

Choose what level is right for you and your goals.
Get the Challenge Free with Synergy Coaching (3-Months)
(or 4 X $497 with multi-pay)
JOIN AND SAVE NOWHow does the Synergy Challenge work?
Who should take this challenge?
How is this system different from other meditation or personal development programs out there?
Do I need any specific knowledge to study this program?
Tell me how this challenge works one more time…
Who teaches Synergy?
Reminder: Commitment and Consistency Unlock the True Potential (and Consequences) of All That You Do
Whether you choose to work with me, and get my help with this, or continue carve your own path at your own pace know this:
Consistency and commitment unlock the true potential, and consequences, of everything you do.
So, if you remain committed and consistent with what you’re doing now and the way you do it now, (and the level of consciousness you're doing it from now) you’ll keep getting the same results…
The forces will continue to come together as they have been for you...
And, eventually, you’ll unlock the true potential or consequences of that path.
So, be sure that path is aligned with your inner calling, the gifts you have to give and the way you want to do it.
And if you’re not sure, join me in The Synergy Challenge, and let’s help you boldly align, or start a new venture, from a foundation of increasing self-awareness, expanding your consciousness, and impact from there…
And harness these Forces for Good.
You ready? Let's do this.
Join Us Now and Save